Adab Learning From 02 Presidential Candidates 2019

Prabowo Subianto. 2 today. The time line was invaded by various images and stories, moments of taking serial numbers and the peaceful declaration of the 2019 presidential election. There was excitement in both camps with the yells of each champion, although as usual the sarcasm of sarcasm continued. Seasoning of social media.

But there are some interesting things for us to look at and take lessons as a lesson. One of the interesting things is when Sandi always takes care of adab when meeting Kyai Ma'ruf Amin. Passwords always kiss hands, not kiss the hands of young children to parents but kiss hands glorify because it is done many times as a ummah meets kyai or habaib.

Very interesting. Because the password was done every time he met Kyai Ma'ruf Amin, at least he did 2x, namely at the moment of taking the serial number and the peaceful declaration. Of course this is a concern of many people and has received appreciation from many parties. As if confirming the truth of the self-quality news, the password that was widely heard was never separated from the Dhuha prayer and kept ablution.

Another interesting moment was when Jokowi unconsciously left Kyai Makruf Amin alone to get off the podium. Prabowo immediately intervened

The same was done by a password when cooperating with Kyai Ma'ruf Amin towards the declaration tent while Jokowi ngeloyor headed to the VVIP tent as well as descending from the declaration stage. Sandi looks so patient and painstaking to guide Kyai Ma'ruf Amin.

Hopefully this will be a lesson for the Indonesian people that adab will be maintained and glorified others, especially parents are the main thing. Prabowo Sandi has given his example and now is the time for us to learn and follow this example.

According to Pak Prabowo's message: If you love me, keep coolness and peace. To maintain coolness and peace, we need to maintain adab wherever you are, especially in cyberspace. Take care of your language in cyberspace. Don't follow those who spread hoaxes and hatred and slander. Let them be slanderous and do not need to be responded to because they will disappear on their own in time.

cooperating with Kyai Ma'ruf Amin, leading down from the podium. Maybe his reflex so that nothing will happen to the Ma'ruf Amin Kyai like falling or slipping.

Let their slanders that arise appear to be the guilt of sin. We explain enough that the rest is not our business. Save energy for useful things because there are still many positive things we can do especially preparation to anticipate the possibility of fraud at the end of the election later.

Just listen to the orders of the clerics and prabowo, then carry out. Let us join hands to guard this country with sincere intentions even though we have basmal capital.


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